Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A corrida? No, a train

Driving around Akademgorodok requires the highest attention.There is a railroad crossing on the way to work which is always open to car traffic... Never saw a single wagon on it in 16 months... until today. This morning, they decided to use the railroad for a train. No luck, the barrier does not work properly, so the lady came out with a flag of the size of a handkerchief to stop the cars passing by at high speed. A chance that this morning, I was forced to take the taxi, because I would definitely missed that lady's sign and would have come to a close encounter with the train...

Looking at it on the bright side: Thanks to my Niva for breaking down today.

1 comment:

Nico said...

Oh that's why they kinda repaired the railway crossing (though I didn't see any difference between before and after...).