Sunday, February 1, 2009

Trying to work out in the winter

Today, I needed some fresh air, but the weather was too cold and the snow was sticking to my skis, so I decided to go running instead. It was really fun because the longer I ran, the less I could see because of the ice forming on my eyelashes (my standard for "fun" has considerably lowered in the past 18 months).

For the scientifically minded: the white frost on my face comes from the vapor I exhale at 37C from my mouth and condenses on my face, my hat and my scarf at -25C. Boy that was good... You can't get that on a Wii fit.
Sorry for not smiling on my picture. The muscles are frozen. The inside smile is what counts.
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Anonymous said...

You're a machine! You're the toughest, funniest, and smartest Russian I know. Ok, so you're the only Russian I know. -DJ

Ian said...

That's pretty badass. Ivan Drago is the toughest Russian I know, but this is close.

Anonymous said...

A machine is a good analogy. Much like a big UAZ with a faulty computer...

I love the fact that you realized that it was too cold to ski (a sport designed only for winter time conditions) and then decided to substitute it with a sport clearly designed only for the spring/summer/fall seasons. I eagerly await your next blog installment when you describe how much fun you had trying to launch lead balloons

Chouch said...

I see what you mean when you said you wanted some fresh air...

Bruce Lenorf said...

Thanks guys for the compliments. Rather than a UAZ, I like to think of myself as a T800 (a T1000 would have some issues with his liquid metal structure around here).
Ivan Drago is pretty tough too, but yesterday he had some trouble keeping up with my pace.
Now I have to go and google what lead balloons are...

Fi said...

OK so our snow ain't got a patch on yours!

Jen said...

Golly BL! There was no way in hell you'd have gotten me outside in that weather for any reason, let alone go for a friendly jog. I suppose though, you wouldn't have to take an ice bath afterwards to help with muscle pain. Hmmm. Maybe you're on to something there?

And, why didn't I read you before now? Where have I been? I'm going to speak to Ian. . .

Unknown said...

Non mais c'est quoi ce nouveau look lunettes blanches? Je t'ai reconnu Polnareff!

Anonymous said...

This is too funny! I would have never gone out in that weather. You are very brave! I hope you were able to warm up afterwards!

Are there no indoor gym? :o)