Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hit by the financial crisis.

The financial crisis has terrible consequences in Russia. Every new day brings its loads of news about layoffs, banking system collapsing, commodity prices dropping... But even worse, the inflation which is running high, has the pricetag of my camembert going up faster than it takes for the actual camembert to liquefy. At this rate, I won't be able to keep up with my french lifestyle for very long. Maybe I should go on strike?

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Alex said...

That is atrocious! How is a Frenchman supposed to live like that? Would you like us to send you some British Camembert? I'm sure it's almost exactly as good as Président!! :-)

Unknown said...

Frozen camembert! You know that's like kryptonite for Superdupont...I guess you'll probably make a soup out of it, let us know how it goes!

Ian said...

Strike! Burn some sheep! Barricade the port with your tractor!

Anonymous said...


From one American to another, I suggest you apply for a portion of the U.S. economic bailout package. I think it is justified as you are a one-man cultural envoy... spreading American goodwill and French culture (or at least French cheese), throughout the heartland of the Russian Federation. Just remember to not pronounce the "t" at the end Camembert, it's a French thing.

Bruce Lenorf said...

British camembert? Sorry, but Joan of Arc did not die a virgin for nothing! I will not be a traitor and eat a camembert from the island.
Ian, this is not a tractor, but a Chevrolet Niva.
And anonymous, yes, I deserve that bail out money. That will make it up for the long due debt for Louisiana.

Unknown said...

Crisis? Considering the previous picture and the amount of cocaine you can buy, you do not seem much concerned! Indeed, what a waste anyway...

Anonymous said...

In order to keep the demand for camembert at a minimum, I refuse to buy/eat any. That should lower your price. Or does it raise it? I should have paid more attention in economics. At any rate, my Busch beer consumption has increased, so I apologize if that has caused a shortage at your local trading hut. -DJ

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