Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy first year anniversary!

Already 1 year that I am in Siberia. Geezz, time flies by. So I guess it is time to look back at the 2007/2008 season and make a small assessment. Let’s go with the really obvious first: this first year was full of discoveries: dipping my skinny body in the frozen Ob Sea, spending days and nights in a cave, exfoliating my skin and clean the clogged pores at the bania… One thing I can say is that I changed my hobbies since I arrived. No more jogging in lycra in the steamy heat. Overall, that’s fine with me. Running in Houston is actually boring like hell, I just did it because Men’s Health magazine said it was cool to suffer. Here, I might have less free time (yes, I have a job that keeps me busy), but I spend it more wisely, as suggested by my captivating blog .

It has been refreshing to live in a place with seasons, it is really like different worlds between the summer and the winter. I like the summer better, but I did not realize that before moving here, so I can’t really complain. The winter is also fun, as long as you don’t mind runny nose, cold fingers and wearing 4 layers of clothes….and the winter in May is really at the edge of what my sense of fun can support.

One thing I don’t talk about too much in my blog is the people I have met here, and whom I hang around with. In my blog, it seems like all Siberia is centered around me (which is almost true geographically speaking). But in reality, I have met really amazing people and I have very good friends here. I won’t name them just because they all begged me never to mention their name in my blog (that might endanger their future political career, who knows?), but they exist, and they’re real humans, not just bunnies like before. Still, my good ol’ friends are what I miss the most, and there is plenty of evenings that I would rather be spending on a good ol’ food fight rather than staring at the buildings from the Soviet times. But I don’t regret being here, and sometimes I feel there is nowhere else I’d rather be than here, where I have time to contemplate and procrastinate while eating cheese.

I can’t really mix very well with the locals yet, though… only with those who use regular verbs at the present time, who articulate very well and don’t mind repeating things twice. You probably understand it reduces my potential circle of acquaintance to a very small population… But I work on my Russian skills. One day, I will speak perfect Russian, and then everything will be easier: I’ll be able to order my steak medium rare on one side and rare on the other, and complain when the salad is served after the soup.

My secret to live here happily? Develop a taste for cabbage and take things lightly. The inefficiencies of the system are just there to make things more fun. It would be so boring to live in a place that does not require a stamped printout of a e-ticket to travel, that does not ask to register by the authorities when being in a city for 3 days, that provides hot water every day, that provides electricity without cutoff, or where you don’t have to register your car at the army. That’s how I look at it.

Thanks for reading my blog and for keeping up with me for the coming year… As for US presidents, the second term might really be the f....d up one. Let's see...


Anonymous said...

Well, since you technically already congratulated yourself (which is a bit weird I must admit), let me be the second to publicly congratulate you on your first year of adventure tourism in the world's largest country. Now just pray that you pass your leprosy test on Monday and that your diploma can get properly circumcised so that you can enjoy another character-building year in Mother Russia - "May you Stimulate More good relationships, build Bridges across areas which before were only wide fissures, and interweave yourself into the Fiber of the nation - Naz Darovia!"

Chouch said...

Bruce Lenorf season 2:

As always, in a sequel, we expect more action, more drama, more adrenaline! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me know about your blog! I had a lot of catching up to do. I actually read your blog in reverse chronological order, so it was interesting seeing you go from a happy and well-adjusted Siberian to a miserable tourist who can't drive. Keep up the good work! Also, I'm bored with lakes, flowers, and snow. Please include more pictures of your daily life and girls. --dj

Anonymous said...

Des idees pour ta prochaine maison,des fois que la crise Russe s'amplifie....

Anonymous said...

"I can’t really mix very well with the locals yet, though… only with those who use regular verbs at the present time, who articulate very well and don’t mind repeating things twice."

That clearly reminds me of the time you arrived in Houston...
Ask Dave.


Anonymous said...

Я даже прослезилась. Its so cute)) M.F

Ian said...

Yeah, congratulations on surviving a year without losing an appendage to frostbite. And I agree with Loic, we expect explosions and intrigue next year.

Anonymous said...

congrats!! I agree with everybody else, more action and pictures of your friends (with fake name to protect their political careers).

Bruce Lenorf said...

Thanks to all of you for reading my blog and give good comments. I can't promise anything about the explosions, but will be watching for them.