Friday, January 4, 2008

I am freezing my eyes.

Today was not as warm as usual. I woke up by -36C to go and catch the bus. Strange things happen at this temperature: first thing is that it makes the bed look like a very appealing place. Then, once outside, my nose hair got frozen and sticked to each other. Then, the clothes make this little crackling noise like when unfolding paper when you walk. And then the air is so dry that it is abrasive and irritates your throat and lungs. Past the curiosity associated with these silly effects, it turns out to be really annoying. First, the cold air manages to go through the winter coat, through the fleece# 1 and the fleece #2, the so-called thermo-resistant undershirt and the under-under shirt, to finally penetrate through the thick layer of chest hair to get me cold. Also, the cold actually built a layer of frost on the windows of the bus and I missed my stop, and as a result I had to walk 10 more minutes than expected in the cold. That was hard. Imagine doing that chewing on a minty gum!
I read somewhere that some monks manage to raise their body temperature by meditation. Good for them. Me, I will stick to my toe warmers and use a cab.

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Ian said...

I'm pretty sure that, if the windows of the bus are so frosted you can't see your stop, you can legally just catch a cab back to your bed. If that's not a law, it should be.

Happy New Year. Looks like you had a nice one in France, hope everyone liked their hats.

Anonymous said...

Hello Bruno!! Happy New Year!! it seems that you forgot to drink vodka for breakfast that's why it felt so cold.. :)
I hope you had a great time back in France. From the picture, I thought they were russian with the hats and drinking vodka. I had to read Ian's message to realize it was your family, hehehe!

Bruce Lenorf said...

Yep, Ian helps me a lot in making this blog understandable. That's real team work... Happy New Year to you too