Monday, October 15, 2007

Lesson learned #1

I decided to post lessons learned from my transfer in Novosibirsk. These lessons learned will be posted at regular intervals, and will be accompanied by examples of application. They are of interest for the people who want to move to Russia. The handful of people who are not considering moving to Siberia can skip this part.

Lesson learned #1:

When a person answers your question by “Yes, yes! No problem”, the only reliable information you then have is that the person has the physical capability of saying “Yes, yes! No problem”. Drawing any correlation between your question and the answer is highly speculative.

Example of application:

Me, calling for scheduling a taxi pick up: “Please make sure the driver comes with a big car, because I have a shitload of luggage. Something like a minivan would be the best.

Taxi dispatcher: -Yes, yes! No problem!

Me: -And, by the way, can I pay by credit card? I would prefer because I have little cash.

Taxi dispatcher: -Yes, yes! No problem!”

If you understand lesson learned #1, you should have no difficulty to figure out the size of the cab that came to pick me up, and the final mode of payment.

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