Saturday, September 29, 2007

A painful separation

Despite what you may be thinking, not everything is nice and pink when you leave for Siberia. There are painful experiences that can break the coldest heart. That just happened to me when I had to put an end to a long term relationship that was stalling and going nowhere (and certainly not to Novosibirsk with me). My long time friend Tim and I had been sharing the same apartment for about 3 years, but lately Tim grew distant and selfish. Sure, he never was a very sensitive and cuddly companion, but we used to understand each other. We always were both independent beings and were enjoying our complicity in this complex relationship we had built. But recently Tim has grown interest of his own and brushed away the past in a very swift and coldly manner. Lately, Tim's behavior got very disturbing. He only cared about going out all night, reluctantly going back to his cage when hunger our other needs compelled him to go home. From a close friend he became an anonymous rodent. I thought we could rebuild our broken relationship but it is very hard to know what a bunny is actually thinking, even when you look at him straight in the eyes. In the end, we both agreed that the situation had become unbearable for both of us. In my great generosity, I left Tim all our common belongings (his little purple castle, his water bottle and his cage) and I helped him move to his new friends, Ian and Nikki. Thanks guys! I am sure he will be happy with Nikki. Ian looks maybe too much like a meat lover for Tim to grow any kind of trust toward him. I am posting a little movie of Tim, in the memory of the old days that we both enjoyed.


Ian said...

Don't worry, he's safe for now. He looks a little too stringy, though at the rate Nikki is feeding him he might be plump and juicy soon. Our grocery bill was double this week and it all seems to be lettuce and spinach.

Anonymous said...

Im sorry to hear that you had to say goodbye to Tim.. Wouldn't the cat of your apartment like a partner?

Aurelie said...

hmmm, ton histoire me rappelle une autre histoire...I have a psychologycaly disturbed rat, I wonder how much it costs to ship it to Russia?