Sunday, June 15, 2008

A nice week-end in Tomsk

In a sudden change of mind, I decided to spend the week end in Tomsk with friends. Tomsk is a city located at about 250km North of Novosibirsk. If you happened to like Jules Verne, then the name of Tomsk should have rung a bell to you. This is the city where Jules had the bad guys (the Tatars) burning the eyes of Michel Strogoff, who was being accused of being a Russian spy (a Russian spy... how original. come on, Tatars, you can be more creative than that. And, don't you think Michel is a terrible first name for a Russian spy?) Anyway, I don’t mean to ruin the story if you haven’t read it, but it turns out that the Tatars did not burn the eyes of Michel well enough, and Michel Strogoff recovers his sight a few pages later. This being said, I don’t know if Michel had time to have a peek at the city before being caught: it is a very beautiful city actually. Lots of students, lots of historical buildings and museums, and a beautiful university campus. Have a look at the pictures I posted… Also, the monument in the honor of the soldiers who fell during WW2 is impressive and commands respect. The whole city clashes with the idea that I had so far about Siberian cities and their massive square buildings. And I did not see any sign of the lake used for storing nuclear waste near the city, which is mentioned in my guidebook. Probably some ecologist propaganda again…

So what did we do in Tomsk? We walked all day, stopped for coffees here and there, enjoyed the nice weather, and then we switched to beer at around 8pm, and went to a Tomskian club. Can't do that in any city, can you?


david santos said...

EURO 2008

RÚSSIA Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!

Bruce Lenorf said...

Well, thanks, but I am French.

Anonymous said...

And you know,David, this time his bet was against to Russia)))

Anonymous said...

Je compatais t'envoyer des encouragements, mais je vois que tu as plus que ce dont tu as besoin sur place! Petit veinard...
Andrei (pas le russe, le roumain)

Bruce Lenorf said...

Thanks for your comments everyone. Nobody wants to comment on my post, though?

Ian said...

I thought it was a wonderful post. Educational, literate and controversial. Tomsk looks a good town to visit. I think I've heard of it, but not from Jules Verne. Do they have a football team?

Anonymous said...

Is Tomsk one of the Wombles?

Bruce Lenorf said...

Definitely, it is a challenge to raise the cultural level of my blog when my most fervent readers are Brits who, in their attempts at keeping the content of my blog accessible to their compatriots, are ready to pull out of nowhere some fictional furry creatures that nobody has ever heard of on the other side of the Channel or the ocean.

Ian said...

We'll take the Wombles over Jules Verne any day

Anonymous said...

"Definitely, it is a challenge to raise the cultural level of my blog when my most fervent readers are Brits..."

Well at least their football team is still in the Euro 2008.
rrrhh wait,oh well....

Tomsk looks like da city to be in (kinda of like Sugarland or Pontarlier... )

POOLS said...

Very beautiful!