Monday, February 18, 2008

Ski by night

Between Akademgorodok and the city, there are other places to ski than just Klioutchi, which, as you could see on my recent pictures, is not all that great. I went yesterday to Inia. That is already a bit better. It is actually quite good if you want to spend the evening there after work (it is open until 10pm) and there is pretty much nobody on the slopes after 7pm.
My pictures are not that good, however, note the awesome black car parked on the paking lot (right hand side picture).
Thanks to my sponsor, "Test Center", a nice little shop next to work, managed by a retired geologist and a physicist, and which rents gear for quite cheap.

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Ian said...

Do they sell camera tripods in "Test Center"?

Anonymous said...

Ian, did you ever try taking a photo at minus god knows what with or without a tripod?! ;)

Ian said...

No, but it's 14 Celsius right now, and it's almost March, so I feel your pain. I mean, the cayenne pepper plant might be thinking it's summer and shooting out peppers already, but who's going to go out and pick them in that weather?

alex said...
