Friday, September 14, 2007

Getting ready to leave...

Hi there. That's it, i decided to start my blog today. I'll be posting my pre-departure to Siberia thoughts for the next 3 weeks while you guys get used to the idea that I'm going to leave. I am launching this blog with a picture of this nice apartment in Akademgorodok which I feel obligated to decline (and that is not only because of the mean looking cat on the orange and green couch).


Nikki said...

Apart from the fact that you can't pronounce where you will be living, what are the other reasons for not taking the apartment? Is it just the orange sofa?

Bruce Lenorf said...

Will send you other pics from the apartment. Hopefully, that should be obvious then, otherwise I will seriously question your taste (w/o offending Ian...)

Ian said...

I don't think it's called Akademgorodok Bruno. When you said you didn't want it because it was Orange the woman called you "A ka dem goro dok". That's russian for a fussy orange hating snob.