Sunday, November 15, 2009

My life with Urmik

Urmik is the schnauzer that has recently come from Moscow to live with me, here in Akademgorodok. I know that this move represented a lot of sacrifices for him and I am very grateful he left behind his many friends and his chewed soggy bone, and spent a night in a bag in an airplane to come here.

I lack the precise vocabulary and the theoretical knowledge to describe exactly Urmik and how he fits in the Schnauzer race. I believe Urmik is a blend of D 615GY and D698BL, but a cuter version.

Schnauzers in general (if I can assume that Urmik is a representative sample from his race) adapt quite well to Siberian conditions. It seems the perfect place for them to practice their favorite hobbies such as chasing snowballs. A hobby we also appreciate as it does not require any extra equipment or gear, provides hours of fun and gets Urmik very exhausted and he leaves us alone after that.

Urmik also likes the long walks on the frozen lake. An occasion for us to take good pictures while Urmik feels the connections with his cousins the wolves and huskies.

Walking on the frozen lake is a bit cold to my taste, and I still am a bit apprehensive that Urmik takes a giant leak and melts the ice while we are in the middle of the lake. So we are still working on building mutual trust...


Anonymous said...

That's funny. Urmik looks like a good companion. And any companion that could also be utilized as a hat or a nice lunch if things get tough, is always a bonus. -dj

Ian said...

Did he grow the beard for his move to Siberia?

Anonymous said...

It's fortunate that Umlaut wasn't mixed with D722W, because the pale genes might have been dominant and then you'd lose the dog every time it walked into a snowbank

Bruce Lenorf said...

DJ, I would not use Urmik as a hat, particularly when it rains. Ian, if you had any basic knowledge about schnauzer, you would know that all schnauzers grow beard, regardless of where they are. This is genetics, and the dominant males have bigger, nicer beards and get females more easily... In the spring, at the breeding seasons, male schnauzers also use their beards to fight each other for females... not a very bloody fight I reckon.
Anonymous, don't be mistaken: D772W has been scaled down to fit on the poster, but it is actually huge and could throw you 10's of feet away just by inadvertently waging his tail too close to you.