Tarasoon is a drink that may look harmless when presented in a small innocent glass... and since it is a buryat specialty you have to go to a yurta to go drink it, and the whole thing is almost attractive and you would be tempted to try. Even when the locals tell you that it is made from milk of a mare, that has been curdled and then distilled, you may still think "Well, why not? Curdled mare milk might just be a source of nutrients that has been mistakenly overlooked in the western world..."
Mares can sleep quietly out of Buryatie. Tarasoon will never be popular. Proof? Type "tarasoon" in google and nothing will come up. Only under "tarasun", it comes listed in the 3rd page. And what does it say? Here you go:
"Prayers are offered and sacrifices made to all the Heavenly Burkans [...]. People [..]ask the spirits, especially Sagadé U!gu!gun, for rain, good crops, and children. When they ask the gods for children they offer Sagadé U!gu!gun twenty pots of tarasun [...]"
(from http://www.sacred-texts.com/asia/jss/jss14.htm)
See? Even the buryats don't drink it! They give Sagade U!Gu!Gun 20 pots of it! And I can tell you that Sagade U!Gu!Gun must be sorry. I am sure he regrets not having applied as God in other places such as Scotland or France. I tried Tarasoon... from the glass you see on the picture, I drank about 1/10th. From the face I made after drinking it, I kept wrinkles that will never disappear. Describing the taste while remaining polite is a challenge, so I will just say that it tastes like someone already drank it before. I guess it tastes like distilled curdled mare milk is supposed to taste like.
May this blog serve as warning to all tourists who feel adventurous enough to try Tarasoon. Let Sagade U!Gu!Gun have it, and have a Stella instead.
You know, your eternal optimism is usually a good thing, but really, if someone offers you distilled curdled mare milk you kind of already know it's not going to be tasty.
Hey Bruno! Hope you don't mind me commenting but I agree with Ian! I rarely drink the fresh pasteurised cow's version so cannot imagine any bribe big enough to persuade me to try tarasoon...
I admire your courage.
Ian and Fi, I welcome your comments... There is nothing I value more than advice after the fact. I just thought that millions of colts (=baby horses) could not be wrong.
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